If the Pevensie siblings’ wardrobe had a love child with Bifröst & Stargate it would look something like Geeks Portal. Currently functional between Base/BSC/ETH, the Portal (Bridge) allows for cross-chain transactions of ANY Geeks erc-20 token to any Network the bridge is currently connected to. New networks can be added within 2 minutes (Polygon, Pulse, Avalanche, Arbitrum, etc.) and new tokens can be added across all networks in the same amount of time. The transaction time is ~60 seconds. Geeks portal is at the heart of the Ecosystem’s interoperability and we are proud to have proprietary ownership of this tech, giving us end-to-end control of the entire Ecosystem’s software suite.
Our Dapp
Why should I use Geeks Portal?
You should use this dApp if you would like to access the cross-chain arbitrage opportunities that are available due to each token having up to 9 unique prices across 3 different Networks. Arbitrage is available when price differences are >11.5%. The bridge will pay for your gas on the receiving chain.
Bullish Boxes & Lines
Core Features
● 60-second transaction times
● Efficient deployment pipeline allowing for new blockchains & tokens to be added within 2-minutes
● 1.5% fee providing a source of revenue to the Rabbit NFT Holders.
● 0 gas on receiving chain
Buy some $Geeks tokens and try out the Bridge yourself.